I may be showing my age, but growing up the entire family gathered around the 25″ inch color television after dinner each night to watch whatever one of the three major networks chose to broadcast that night. If we missed that night’s episode, we had to wait for summer re-runs. Of course we watched every commercial as well. If we were distracted, it might be with the evening newspaper or the weekly news or fashion magazine. Homework was done alone in our rooms, and even having the radio on in the background was considered a distraction. Flash forward to today, where we time shift programming fast forward through commercials. Miss an earlier show? No problem, we can call it up later that evening or the next day and re-watch it years down the road if we so choose. What might strike a time traveler from a couple of decades back even stronger than our ability to time shift programming is our distracted viewing today. Our heads are buried in our smartphones, our tablets, and our laptops, even while watching our favorite TV shows. The folks at Social Media Business Academy have put together this infographic on how we are living in a multiscreen world.

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