marketing is everything a company does to acquire customers and maintain a relationship with them. even the small tasks like writing thank-you letters, business cards, returning calls promptly and meeting with a past client for coffee can be thought of as marketing. the ultimate goal of marketing is to match a company’s products and services to the people who need and want them.
the four p’s of marketing are product, place, price and promotion. at dba designs & communications, we understand the four p’s and how to put them to good use for you and your business. we bring a start-up drive combined with an experienced hand to deliver what your business needs.
strategy is the art and science of finding how to broadcast your message to the right people, at the right time, in the right medium. at dba designs & communications, we adopt a variety of strategic methods to ensure that you set a feasible target and meet it precisely, growing your business and expanding your presence. we take our years of experience, mix it with your experience and desires to identify the perfect concoction of strategy, problem-solving, and creative thinking needed to accomplish your goals. we understand the digital tools, platforms, and technologies that will allow you to deliver a targeted message to the right people at the most opportune time.

shine bright
with dba
experience works. We help brands show people not just what they are—but who they are. when people can see your brand’s human side, they connect with it deeper and more completely. dba designs creates experiences that work for you and your customers and patients. we help you and your brand shine bright!
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location! location! location!
we can help you find the right location for your success.
it takes great ingredients to make the best meals. the same goes for any business.
let us help you get the right recipe for your product mix.
it doesn’t matter how good your location is, or the products you carry, if you can’t make it look good.
we help you make it all look great!
with the right place and product comes establishing the right price and promotion.
let us help you make the sale!