Facebook in America


No one questions the dominance of Facebook as the undisputed king of social media. With close to 2 billion monthly users worldwide, it's Facebook's world that we live in. As the 800 pound gorilla, people have been forecasting the death and demise of Facebook for a number of years. Back in

Facebook in America2017-07-03T12:29:40-06:00

Back To School Marketing Starts Now


I used to laugh at walking into the grocery store of big box discounter and see school supplies on the shelf the morning after 4th of July fireworks. It turns out they aren't just filling empty space, but filling a big market. While the days of waiting until after Labor Day for

Back To School Marketing Starts Now2017-07-03T12:29:02-06:00

6 Social Media Behaviors To Avoid In 2017


The year is half over, so now is as good a time as any to review social media behaviors and how we may all improve our social media signals for the rest of 2017. How much is enough? How much is too much? What do we post? When do we post? Sprout

6 Social Media Behaviors To Avoid In 20172017-06-17T09:21:27-06:00

How To Create An All-Star LinkedIn Profile


We talk a lot about Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Pinterest. Sometimes we forget that one of the great social media networks is LinkedIn, not only if you are seeking a better job, but if your business involves selling to other businesses. Done correctly and with consistency, a good LinkedIn

How To Create An All-Star LinkedIn Profile2017-06-14T16:05:32-06:00

Why People Share On Facebook


Facebook has almost 2 billion monthly users. To say that number is big is still an understatement. Facebook is successful because the social media site pays attention to what its users want and why they want it. Facebook could have very easily just gone after the advertising dollars and filled all

Why People Share On Facebook2017-06-14T15:34:16-06:00
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