Jingle All The Way To The Bank


Despite numerous other social media sites, email remains one of the best ways to raise awareness and motivate shopping. 85% of consumers say an email with a savings coupon would influence their purchase. The folks at Campaigner have shared this infographic outlining how to use email to make your holiday season

Jingle All The Way To The Bank2016-12-26T14:13:46-07:00

What Happens In An Internet Minute 2017


Most of spend a lot of time online. Many of us because it is our job. Most of us because we enjoy it. So what does happen each and every minute of every day online? @LoriLewis and @OfficiallyChad of Cumulus Media put together this infographic of what, when, and where we are

What Happens In An Internet Minute 20172017-10-20T10:26:06-06:00

How Much Time Do People Spend On Social Media?


Who could have imagined just a few short years ago how ingrained social media would become in all our lives? We are spending more and more time online and that growth is of course concentrated on our smartphones, where we spend some 60% of  our time with social media. Teens spend upwards

How Much Time Do People Spend On Social Media?2017-10-20T09:48:09-06:00

10 Social Media Marketing Strategies For Companies


What are your plans for 2018? Hopefully, you are doing more than planning how to spend your Powerball winnings. Since that windfall will probably elude us all, we need to start planning our marketing for 2018. Of course, social media will be an integral part of the plan for all of us.

10 Social Media Marketing Strategies For Companies2017-10-17T14:57:58-06:00

10 Must-Haves For Video Marketing Success


Are you using video as part of your marketing campaigns? Some of us do, while a lot of us are late to the game. Video is the next big thing in marketing and it makes perfect sense. While text has been an integral part of marketing forever, we have seen how

10 Must-Haves For Video Marketing Success2017-10-02T13:33:30-06:00
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