How and When to Ask for Customer Feedback for Optimal Response


Businesses truly want to know how customers feel about their businesses and their transactions. Customer feedback is important. On the other hand, doesn't it seem that on the bottom of every receipt there is an invitation of some sort to participate in some sort of customer survey? " How happy are you

How and When to Ask for Customer Feedback for Optimal Response2017-05-20T09:57:30-06:00

10 Ways Hackers Can Hack Your Facebook Account


With almost 2 billion monthly users, Facebook is a mighty tempting target for bad guys (and gals). Thousand of Facebook accounts are hacked every day, often with devastating effects, due to the amount of personal information on many of our Facbeook pages. The folks at Top 10 Select have put together this

10 Ways Hackers Can Hack Your Facebook Account2017-04-22T10:32:58-06:00

B2B Customer Marketing Trends


Marketing B2B is very important to many of us. Our business for example relies on getting new customer who market to consumers. So we have to know both sides of the coin, how to market to our prospective customers and then how to help them market to consumers. Marketing B2B takes on

B2B Customer Marketing Trends2017-04-22T09:49:06-06:00

The Truth Behind Medical Marijuana


Marijuana, once classified as one of the most dangerous drugs in the United States, is slowly becoming a part of American life from both a medical and recreational perspective. Here is an infographic on the medical benefits of marijuana from The Clark Law Office.  

The Truth Behind Medical Marijuana2016-11-09T10:20:42-07:00

History of Marijuana Laws in the United States


Tomorrow is April 20 or 4/20, which is the day we discuss marijuana across the US. As of the beginning of 2017, twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia have laws legalizing marijuana in some form. Eight of those states, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Maine, California, Maine and Massachusetts have now

History of Marijuana Laws in the United States2017-01-13T14:20:08-07:00
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